First United Methodist Church
We are created for relationship with others. We are created to be loved and to love others. We search for love by fitting in? But does "fitting in" truly answer our need for relationship? Sometimes we work so hard to "fit in" that we loose our identity. Ever lost yourself just to "fit in? Ever compromised your values and morals to "fit in." Ever fear that if someone really truly knew all your thoughts and struggles they would run away as fast as they could? What if you found a group of people that did not try to make you "fit in" but rather welcomed you into relationships where you belong? What if a group could be found where people were accepted each other with strengths and weaknesses, with good and bad, in victories and defeats? Could this group of people actually have a name - The Church? I invite you to join FUMC Carlsbad for worship for the last three Sundays of September as we let God's word challenge an inspire us to be people who help each other belong and not just "fit in".