
The roar of rushing rapids, thrill of scaling a cliffside, and the most vibrant sunsets you have ever scene await you in Carlsbad. Our sense of adventure demands that we get outside and go for it! Fortunately, our weather is warm, and it is possible to enjoy our area’s natural resources year-round. Imagine taking a hike up to Sitting Bull Falls, taking in the scent and sound of a roaring waterfall when you arrive. Imagine dropping down into a cave system that extends miles, using your flashlight to explore all 113 caves in Carlsbad Caverns. For the younger members of your family, many of our outdoor adventures are designed with young ones in mind. Take for example, the Junior Ranger Program at Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Here, your kids can learn about wildlife, natural vegetation, and what it means to be a caretaker of our natural resources. Then, to see animals up close, head to the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens State Park. Afterwards, head to the city center and enjoy riding on an antique carousel, going for a train ride and enjoying other activities at the Pecos River Village Conference Center.  This is where many of our community events are held, including Santa’s annual arrival to visit the children of Carlsbad, NM.  

Those looking for indoor fun can visit the Carlsbad Museum and Art Center, where visitors are amazed to learn about local and regional history, view Native American art and artifacts, enjoy contemporary and Southwestern art, and enjoy traveling exhibits from a wide range of artists. Founded in 1931, the Museum is the epicenter of art and culture in Carlsbad and welcomes all ages of guests.

Did we mention events? Carlsbad is known for hosting incredible community events that attract visitors from throughout the region and the country. For locals, this includes the downtown farmer’s market, live music, Art in the Village, regular races to benefit local charities, and events like the Dragonfly Festival where families can enjoy bird, wildlife, and dragonfly tours. Then, guests from throughout the country visit Carlsbad to attend events like our beer and music fest where bands, breweries, and food trucks converge for the best weekend ever. Then in the winter, guests return for the Carlsbad Winter Wine Festival. Those who are lucky enough to live here, enjoy events like these year-round and in their own backyard.