Carlsbad Pavilion Provides New Retail Opportunities
1 Dec 2016
Carlsbad, NM - December 2016 - Renovation of an old grocery store has neared completion, and Carlsbad consumers have four new options for shopping. The Carlsbad Pavilion has turned into a brand new shopping center, bringing new life to an old lot.
"We have been working with representatives from each of the four stores over the years," said Jeff Campbell, director of marketing and business development for the Carlsbad Department of Development (CDOD). "Of course, the puzzle was not complete without a developer, and now it is all coming together nicely."
The developer referenced is Retail Southwest out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Retail Southwest has developed several sites throughout the state, and Carlsbad can now be added to that growing list.
The Carlsbad Pavilion is comprised of Maurice's, Famous Footwear, Melrose Fashions, and Ross. All the retailers but Ross are now open for business. Calrsbad can expect Ross to be open in March of 2017.
"This development not only brings our market four new options for shoppers, but it also really dresses up a location that until recently was empty with people trying to sell used cars in the lot," said Campbell. "Even the existing Family Dollar will get a facelift as part of the revitalization, along with the parking lot."
These new additions to the market will help keep consumer dollars in Carlsbad as well.
"We have a very high number in terms of consumer leakage," Said Campbell. "We had a study done to show how much in various categories was being spent out of town, and it was pretty eye opening. These numbers have helped us recruit Lowe's in the past, and these new stores now. Keeping money in Carlsbad is crucial to our long term economic growth."