Permian Strategic Partnership Announces Grant Assistance for Two New Mexico Counties
9 Sep 2019
PSP Grants Announcement
Partners Plan Sept. 11 Events to Discuss New Programs
Hobbs and Carlsbad, New Mexico – The Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP) today announced a partnership with the JF Maddox Foundation and The Grants Collective and Community Development Consulting Associates LLC to provide professional grant writing, management and training expertise to local governments, school districts and non-profits in Lea and Eddy Counties to strengthen their ability to successfully compete for state, federal and private grant programs.
“PSP recognizes that putting together competitive grant applications for federal, state, and private sources and their subsequent management, monitoring and reporting is a highly specialized endeavor which requires technical expertise, time and resources,” said Tracee Bentley, CEO of PSP. “Many local communities, governments and organizations simply do not have the staff or expertise available to perform this work, and PSP is delighted to partner with the JF Maddox Foundation in Lea County and The Grants Collective in Eddy County to provide these services to build capacity for local governments and non-profits,” Bentley said.
PSP will provide $500,000 in funding to support the program: $250,000 dedicated to Lea County and $250,000 dedicated to Eddy County. The JF Maddox Foundation is contributing an additional $125,000 for the program in Lea County bringing that total to $375,000. The Lea County Community Improvement Corporation will administer the program in Lea County through Community Development Consulting Associates; The Grants Collective will administer the program in Eddy County.
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